Motorised Shutter Nightmares: What to Avoid When Going Automated

Motorised Shutter Nightmares What to Avoid When Going Automated
Picture of Camille


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Have you ever been left dealing with the sheer annoyance of motorised shutters that refuse to cooperate? We totally get the frustration and believe it or not, more than a third of these high-tech blinds tend to start playing up within their first five years.

Our yarn today is chock-a-block with tips and tricks for sorting out those pesky shutter quandaries, whether it’s slats that won’t shift or motors on the blink. So stick around as we flick on the light of know-how to ensure your genius shades keep gliding without a hitch.

Key Takeaways

  • When shutters don’t work, check for blockages or motor issues.
  • Overheating can harm shutters. Pick good materials and clean regularly.
  • Clean tracks to stop shutters from sticking.
  • For halfway shutters, clean sensors and maybe fix motors.
  • Bad installation causes problems. Use trusted installers and do upkeep.

Common Problems with Motorised Shutters

When it comes to motorised shutters, some common issues include shutters not opening or shutting properly, overheating, sticking shutters, halfway closing shutters, poor

Common Problems with Motorised Shutters

installation and faulty motors.

These problems can be frustrating for homeowners and may require troubleshooting and solutions to fix.

Shutters won’t open or shut

Sometimes motorised shutters just refuse to budge. We press the button and wait, but they either stay put or move only a little before stopping. This can be really frustrating, especially if we’re in a hurry or need to secure our home quickly.

There are a few reasons why this might happen: maybe there’s something blocking the shutter’s path, or perhaps the motors that make them go up and down have stopped working properly.

We check for obvious signs of trouble first like dirt or objects that might have got stuck where they shouldn’t be. Cleaning around the shutters could do the trick. If cleaning

doesn’t help, it could mean there’s an issue with the motor itself—or even with how they were set up in the beginning.

Getting them checked by a professional should always be on our list if things don’t seem right after we’ve tried basic fixes ourselves.


Motorised shutters can sometimes experience overheating, usually due to prolonged use or exposure to direct sunlight. This can lead to malfunctions and even permanent damage if not addressed promptly.

To prevent overheating, it’s essential to choose a reputable supplier that offers high-quality materials with heat-resistant properties, ensuring the longevity of your automated roller shutters.

Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning play a crucial role in preventing overheating issues by keeping sensors and motors free from dust and debris that could impede their proper function.

Sticking shutters

When the shutters are sticking, it could be due to dirt or debris blocking the tracks. To fix this, clean the tracks regularly using a soft brush or cloth. Make sure to also check for any obstructions that may be hindering the smooth movement of the shutters.

Another cause of sticking shutters can be a misalignment in the sensor. Adjusting and realigning the sensors can help resolve this issue.

In addition, if you notice any damage to the shutter slats or tracks, it’s crucial to repair them promptly. Any dents or bends in the slats can cause them to get stuck during operation.

Halfway shutting shutters

When your motorised shutters stop halfway while opening or closing, it can be frustrating. This issue could be due to sensor misalignment, dirt on the sensors, or a problem with the motors.

To fix this, you may need to clean the proximity sensors and ensure they are aligned properly. If that doesn’t work, you might have to repair or replace the motors. It’s essential to address this problem as soon as possible to prevent further damage and inconvenience.

Poor installation

When it comes to motorised shutters, poor installation can lead to a whole host of problems. A shoddy installation job could cause the shutters to malfunction, stick halfway, or even overheat due to incorrect wiring or sensor placement.

Additionally, improper installation can also put excessive strain on the motors, leading to premature failure and costly repairs. Therefore, as homeowners looking for motorised shutter solutions, it’s crucial to select a reputable supplier with a track record of professional installations.

To avoid motorised shutter nightmares stemming from poor installation, we recommend thoroughly researching potential suppliers before making a selection. Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers about their experiences with the company’s installation process.

Faulty motors

When dealing with motorised shutters, one of the most frustrating issues you may encounter is faulty motors. These can cause your shutters to get stuck, move unevenly, or not open and close as they should.

If you notice any irregularities in the movement of your shutters, it’s essential to address the problem promptly to prevent further damage and inconvenience. Contact a professional to inspect and repair the faulty motors to ensure smooth operation and avoid potential safety hazards.

To prevent encountering faulty motors in your motorised shutters, it’s crucial to choose a reputable supplier known for their reliable products. Additionally, regular maintenance and servicing of your shutters will help identify any potential issues early on before they escalate into major problems.

Troubleshooting and Solutions

If you encounter issues with your motorised shutters, there are a few troubleshooting steps you can take. This includes cleaning proximity sensors, adjusting sensor alignment, and

replacing or repairing faulty motors.

These simple solutions can help address common problems and keep your motorised shutters running smoothly.

Cleaning proximity sensors

When cleaning proximity sensors, follow these steps:

  1. Use a soft, dry cloth to gently wipe the sensors free of any dust or debris. Do this regularly to ensure the sensors remain clear and responsive.
  2. Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or abrasive materials as they can damage the sensors.
  3. Check for any obstructions around the sensor area that may be interfering with its operation and remove them promptly.
  4. If there are persistent issues with sensor function, contact a professional technician to inspect and clean the sensors thoroughly.
Troubleshooting and Solutions

Adjusting sensor alignment

To make sure your motorised shutters work smoothly, you may need to adjust the sensor alignment. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Use a ladder to access the sensors located on the shutter frame.
  2. Check for any physical obstructions or dirt that might be affecting the sensor’s performance.
  3. If there are no visible issues, use a screwdriver to gently adjust the sensor position.
  4. Test the shutter operation after each adjustment to ensure it is working properly.
  5. Make small adjustments until the sensor aligns perfectly with the corresponding part on the shutter.

Replacing or repairing motors

Now, let’s discuss the important aspect of replacing or repairing motors when dealing with motorised shutter nightmares. Here are some tips for home owners to consider:

  1. Inspect the motor regularly for any signs of wear and tear such as strange noises or irregular movements.
  2. If the motor is faulty, contact a professional repair service to assess whether it can be repaired or needs replacement.
  3. When replacing a motor, ensure that the new one is compatible with your existing shutter system to avoid compatibility issues.
  4. Seek guidance from the supplier or manufacturer regarding the suitable replacement motors for your specific shutters.
  5. Consider professional installation when replacing or repairing motors to ensure everything is properly integrated and functioning correctly.

Tips for Avoiding Motorised Shutter Nightmares

Choose a reputable supplier, ensure proper installation and maintenance, and regularly clean and service your shutters. To learn more about avoiding motorised shutter

Tips for Avoiding Motorised Shutter Nightmares

nightmares, keep reading!

Choosing a reputable supplier

When considering motorised shutters, it’s crucial to choose a reputable supplier who offers high-quality products and reliable customer service. Look for suppliers with good reviews and a strong track record in providing durable, efficient automated shutter systems.

Ensure that the supplier offers warranties and after-sales support to address any potential issues promptly.

Prioritise suppliers with expertise in motorised blinds and electric shutter systems, as they can offer valuable guidance on selecting the right products for your home.

Investigate their range of offerings, ensuring they align with your specific requirements for window roller shutters or electric awning needs.

Proper installation and maintenance

To prevent motorised shutter nightmares, it’s crucial to ensure proper installation and regular maintenance. When installing motorised shutters, choose a reputable supplier with a track record of quality workmanship and reliable products.

It’s also essential to have the shutters installed by experienced professionals who can guarantee correct placement and wiring. Additionally, regular cleaning and servicing of the shutters will help prevent potential issues like sensor misalignment or motor failure.

By prioritising proper installation and ongoing maintenance, homeowners can avoid many common problems associated with automated roller shutters.

Regularly cleaning and servicing shutters

  1. Clean the shutters and tracks with a soft brush or cloth to remove dust, dirt, and debris.
  2. Inspect the proximity sensors for any obstructions and clean them if necessary to ensure they function properly.
  3. Lubricate the moving parts of the shutter mechanism regularly to prevent friction and wear.
  4. Check for any loose or damaged components and tighten or replace them as needed to maintain structural integrity.
  5. Schedule regular servicing with a professional technician to inspect, adjust, and troubleshoot any potential issues before they escalate.

Don’t Let Motorised Shutter Nightmares Haunt You – Get a Free Quote Today!

It’s essential to be aware of the potential issues with motorised shutters. When considering automation, choose a reputable supplier and ensure proper installation and regular maintenance.

Troubleshooting problems like sensor misalignment and faulty motors is crucial for smooth operation. By staying proactive and informed, homeowners can prevent motorised shutter nightmares and enjoy the convenience they bring to their homes.
